Thursday, October 19, 2006

Fashion - Sometimes, You Just Have to Say No

So, living in a bustling, international metropolis, I see different fashion all the time. As a whole, Madrilenos seem to be a fairly trendy, fashionable, well-dressed bunch. I definitely feel like I sometimes stick out, walking around with my big backpack and my tennis shoes. Of course, I am trying to minimize this "Where is she from?" reaction by attempting to blend in. But... as I don't have endless funds, nor the energy, to always be trendy, I guess sometimes I just will have to stick out.

The 80s are a full swing here in Europe. I've noticed this return to the 80s for the last year or so in the U.S. too... and despite my initial protests, it's kind of fun being able to wear whatever weird, mismatched outfit I want and to perhaps justify it as fashionable. However, there is a definite limit to the fashion risks I'm willing to take. Spain seems to really enjoy this 80s throwback, and if you're familiar with the clothes at H&M, which I'd say, have a definite European and almost over-trendy feel... that's pretty much every store here! Big jewelry, oversized t-shirts, polka dots and stripes, leggings, jeans that are tighter at the ankle... and my personal favorite: mullets.

Yes, mullets are everywhere here, and not just in Madrid. Apparently, a friend who went to London said they all over the place there too. On TV, in the metro, men, women, they have mullets! I just don't think I can accept this one, folks. I'm sorry. I just think it's ugly.

I'll wear a striped shirt... maybe even a chunky necklace, but no, I will not get a mullet. Sometimes, you just have to say "No!" to fashion. :-)


Anonymous said...

well, of course you'll say no to a're a girl!!

but, GAH! that is one trend I hope doesn't come back to the States..

ANJ said...

i have been dying to blog about the mullets in santiago ever since i got here! seriously... they ARE everywhere! the hard thing is figuring out how to take pictures of mullets without offending the wearer. check out my latest blog about my haircut bravery for more thoughts...

i'm with you. no to mullets!