Saturday, November 08, 2008

Post-Election Thoughts...

I didn't blog about the election--I'm fairly politically moderate and not the most politically outspoken. But, that doesn't mean that I don't care about politics and their effect on our government and society. I do care. I'm not exactly sure why I abstain from the political fights that I see all around me. Then again, that last sentence alone might explain it--I'm not the fighting type. However, I do think expressing opinions, even on the ever-sensitive topic of politics, has an important place, and sharing a strong opinion does not necessarily constitute an attempt to bash. Which is why, in the future, I will try to get some of those opinions out in the venue of the blog.

I have many other thoughts and reflections on politics rushing through my head at this point, but they aren't formulated enough that I want to express them right now. Instead, I thought I'd post some interesting pictures I took around my neighborhood on and shortly after election day.

Ok, this has no relation to the election, but here's just a peek at why I'm glad to have the opportunity to be in Wisconsin for the fall. I love leaves.

My mom and I were out for a walk in the neighborhood near ours and saw this. It made me sort of sad. The signs of support waiting to be picked up by the garbage truck.

McCain signs down the road from our house. The majority of the county definitely supported McCain over Obama (one of the few counties in the state to do so), but I was surprised to see several Obama signs around the neighborhood, too.

I was struck by this, because it seemed very deliberate that there was an American flag hanging near the Obama sign, as if the family wanted to say, "Obama supporters are patriotic." The neighbors next door also had an Obama sign with a small flag next to it. 

My vote was for McCain, but that doesn't mean I didn't consider Obama and that I don't like the guy. I wrote my final paper for my English capstone course on his book, "Dreams from My Father." He is an excellent writer and I'm impressed with his life. It'll definitely be interesting to see how things play out in the next 4 years. 


Diana said...

Lauren, I don't know if we can be friends anymore since you voted for McCain...ha ha, jk!

I would be interested to know why you voted McCain tho?

P.S. When did you put music on the blog? I like it!

Ryan said...

Referring to the comment above, why did they vote for Obama? I never seem to get concrete answers from anyone. It's always the same, "Change!"

Matt said...

Being an Obama supporter I can definitely understand why the people with the Obama signs would be so deliberate to show their patriotism through an arbitrary symbol like the flag (as if that epitome of patriotism). In an election where the candidate himself was grilled for not wearing an american flag lapel pin and people that lived in democratic areas were not considered to be living in "real america" it is easy to see how people would want to enusre that people did not get the wrong idea. But then again, what do I know I live in "communist country" of Northern Virginia (or so says Ms. Palin).