Saturday, June 24, 2006

Grazing in the kitchen...

So, I've been basically living off of a family-sized bag of Nacho Cheesier Doritos the last three days. I bought it for institute, and since not much of it was eaten, it became the staple of my meals for the last three or so days. I think it's time to make a trip to the grocery store. I have a lot of yogurt, Raisin Bran, frozen meat, and canned corn, but unfortunately, these ingredients don't make for a semi-normal recipe. I have noticed, however, that I lost 2.5 pounds this week. Perhaps I should market the Doritos diet, kind of like all the cereal companies who say "Eat 2 bowls of our cereal a day and lose weight." Um, no offense cereal people, but I don't think anyone who replaces their meals with a small bowl of wheat product isn't going to drop a few pounds.

Basically, the moral of the story is: eat normally. Though I've been "living off the land" here in my apartment, I've had to resort to less-than-traditional meal combinations, such as half a can of olives and a cup of yogurt (eaten separately of course... I'm not that crazy). I guess I am inspired to know that I can go for a period of time without a home-cooked meal, so my survival instincts are intact, but somehow, that seems unnecessary.

I think I'll go to the store now.


ANJ said...

yay! a new blogspot friend. i'm excited to check up on you and your crazy life. you can keep me updated in spain and podemos practicar el espanol juntas. . . tal como los "good old days" con el profe turley...

Anonymous said...

Lu-Dawg, somehow everything you do is an experience, you are one person who can get away with posting the details of their life and I'm so glad you are. I like having a window into your life considering I had to give up my view when you moved back to WI!

Anonymous said...

If I didn't know better, I would think you are pregnant! Olives and Yogurt? Sounds kinda like my french fries and fruit loops lunch for 2 months straight... of course it is excusable in my case cause I was pregnant!!! You... I am afraid you have no excuse!