Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Churros Con Chocolate!

Here is a picture of the group I went with on my orientation trip to Andalucia. We stayed in Cazorla for a few nights... we hiked in the mountains (11 miles!), ate nice al fresco dinners each night, got a slight bout of food poisoning (ok, well it wasn't that slight, but it only lasted for a day at least), and did repelling/cliff jumping and horseback riding. I had to miss the repelling/horseback riding due to the food poisoning (sad!) but we all laughed when everyone got back and they told me that lots of people had "gotten sick" during the repelling trip, and people ran off into the woods, ripping off their wetsuits so they could relieve themselves. It wasn't funny then, but we all thought it definitely speeded up our group bonding. Our group had people from a lot of different schools, and it was a definitely a fun way to start off the semester. This picture was taken from the last day, where we drove to a castle and then had this wild boar feast at a local hotel. It seriously was a feast - I was SO full.

Ok, so here is a picture of my roommate Sara and I eating churros con chocolate in a local cafe. We've been hunting churros con chocolate, and we found this place... near the Puerta del Sol. YUM! It was so good. Basically, churros are what we think of in the U.S., except they don't really have lots of rolled sugar and cinnamon on them... and they're fresher. You dip them in this thick, yummy hot chocolate.

I'll add more pictures later! Hasta pronto.

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