Sunday, October 28, 2007


So, I just had to tell you about one of our FHE group activities. So, at BYU, each single student in a student congregation gets assigned to a "Family Home Evening" or FHE group, since we don't have our regular families with us to do FHE with. Anyhow, my roommate is one of our group leaders, and we've had fun so far this semester. Each FHE begins with a short spiritual thought, and then we have an activity and a treat. Last week we played spoons with glow-in-the-dark cards. So fun!

Anyhow, so two weeks ago I think it was we planned a service FHE. We decided to make cookies and hand them out to students as they were leaving the testing center on campus. I think Diana came up with the idea and we all agreed it was brilliant. I'm pretty sure that I was given candy once as I left the testing center - so this is not a totally unique idea, but we decided it would be fun. Anyhow, it was awesome! Diana printed off some Calvin and Hobbes comics about school and we handed out those with our cookies. As people came out of the doors, we began cheering. "Yeah! You're done with your test!" Ok, it sounds a little corny, but it was so fun! All the test takers were pretty surprised but happy with our presents. One girl walked by looking pretty stressed... maybe her test didn't go so well :-( One guy even gave us hugs! Anyhow, it was definitely a success. What's better than leaving the testing center and getting fresh baked cookies? Not a bad way to lift the cloud of stress. :-)


austin said...

That is a good idea. If only I could bake... or if only I had a desire to kind things to others...

Stefers511 said...

Awww, I love this story. It gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling I often miss from good ol' BYU- way to be!