Thursday, July 17, 2008

The mysterious appeal of "The British Guy"

Lately, I suppose it's not just lately, I have seen several friends get engaged. Yay for love! It's pretty incredible if you think about it... finding someone that you love enough to spend your life with. I think deep down, we all want that companionship and love. It's hard to imagine, though, the realization of that quest and the end of the search that began, albeit informally, for most when they were kids and they dreamed of their dream guy/girl.

As I have not yet settled on/found that one fellow who I will spend my life with, I suppose I am still content to occasionally think about "my dream guy." Who is he, you ask? The fun thing is, he surfaces in many different guys. The older I get, the more I realize I could probably be happy with many a different type of man, as long as he has certain key qualities. Who has captured that title for me? Well, I could spout off some of my childhood/early adult crushes, but that might bore you. Or a list of movie stars, but that's not too unique either.

But, I've come to realize that there's one sort of fellow who is incredibly attractive to me, and I will most likely never have:

The witty, handsome, overall dashing British man.

What is it about this fellow that is so attractive? Well, the accent, for one. I remember a conversation with someone in which we agreed that if two identical twins were raised separately in England and the US, the English one would automatically be more attractive. Sorry American guys, it's just the truth.

Perhaps it's the innate "gentlemanly" quality that the British seem to possess, at least in the the movies. A sense of chivalry and duty.

Sigh. I'm not exactly sure myself.

How do I solve this dilemma?

1. Make a permanent move to England and start dating like crazy. (unlikely)
2. Stop watching sappy English period dramas. (also unlikely)
3. Get an American boyfriend and get over it (probably the best option).

Anyone out there share my sentiments?


McKenzie said...

Lauren, don't sell yourself short! Find that amazingly witty, handsome, overall dashing British man and keep him! Perhaps a stint in English speaking Europe is all you need. :)

Diana said...

yeah i think the "british accent" goes in the category of Characteristics that are *Extremely* Desirable but Not Strictly Necessary. Kind of like, I have always wanted a guy with a great tenor voice who can play acoustic guitar like James Taylor/Eric Clapton. Maybe you can date someone who does a great impression of a British accent?

Leslie said...

As long as his last name isn't BREWSTER, right? :) Hey, Lauren don't rule out a nice alien named Zorcon either. LOL!! :)

I would LOVE it if you found a nice British guy to marry. I think that would suit my fancy just fine.

Stefers511 said...

Seriously-- LOVE the accent thing m'self! Let's go husband shopping abroad: Travel + Exotic boys= A trip worth remembering! LOL-- Hope alls well with you Lauren!

Digital Daguerreotypist said...

yeah, British accents are sexy...I'm also a sucker for a southern or Texan drawl too...and if you do go on an international husband hunt, think you could include me?? :)

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I accidentally came upon this post, and wanted to tell you it's not impossible for you to meet a wonderful Englishman like you say... I have, & we're very happy together! Go for it!

Lauren said...

Thanks for all the great comments/support everyone! :-) Perhaps it's not a lost cause!