Thursday, October 09, 2008

Moving to Wisconsin.

I'm sitting at Starbuck's (with a large hot chocolate next to me, yum) inside the Barnes & Noble at Gateway Mall as I type this. It's a beautiful, cloudy fall day in Utah. I met two of my old roommates for lunch in SLC and I'm meeting my brother for dinner up here... so I had some time to kill.

And so, since I do have some time, I'll fill you guys in on life. I'm moving to Wisconsin in less than a week! This decision came somewhat unexpectedly--but I'll explain.

After graduation, I spent three weeks at home in Milwaukee. After going to school year-round for three years, I was in need of some time to just rest. The three week trip was great. Then, I came back to Utah in early September and moved into my new apartment. I have three roommates from California (they all went to HS together) and they are nice girls--welcomed me right in. I liked my apartment and my new ward and I planned to use Utah as a home-base while I applied for jobs. I figured I'd get some kind of temporary job for the fall or for 6 months at the most while I figured out where to go next.

Well, the job market in Utah isn't ideal. I got offered a part-time/on-call position at an eating disorder treatment facility, which would have been great, but they wanted at least a year commitment, and I wouldn't be able to work there full-time for probably at least the first few months. As soon as they said "one-year commitment," it sunk it to me that I did not want to still be in Provo for another year. As soon as I came back from Wisconsin, I felt pretty restless. Being in a college town and not being in school (or not having a job for that matter) can do that to you, and I also just realized that I was ready to try out life in a new place. Provo has been great, but I think it has served its purpose for me, and it's time to keep moving forward.

Once I realized I didn't want to stay here too long, I decided that I could either get a temp job here in Utah and apply out of town for permanent positions or I could do that from Wisconsin (where my family is) . It seemed a bit counterintuitive to leave right after I had come back for the fall, but the more I thought about it, the more I saw the benefits of moving home for a couple of months. 

Some benefits include saving my family some money (my parents are helping me out during this transition period), living one last time in my family's home before my parents sell it (they'll be retiring out in St. George for most of the year starting in the near future and so they're going to sell our house), among other reasons.

I prayed about it and it felt like a good decision, and so, I'll be off in about a week! I have some mixed feelings about leaving. I certainly feel it's probably time to move on from college life and that scene, and yet, I'll really miss this town that has become my home away from home. I'll miss the good times I've had and the good friends I've made out here. I'll especially miss it since this move is permanent. It's hard to cut off this part of my life. But, I'm excited for the road ahead, whatever it brings. Going to NYC last weekend made me realize all of the fun possibilities I have in life in terms of jobs and where I could live (more on the NYC trip soon).

If any of you Provo/SLC kids are reading this, I'd love to see you before I road trip it to Wisconsin next week (Tuesday or Wednesday). Let me know and we'll get together. The short-term plan is to spend the next couple of months in Wisconsin at a temp job, while I look and apply for more permanent work, and then to re-evaluate at the end of the year where I want to go. There's a possibility I'll stay in Wisconsin, and I'm also looking at jobs in some other bigs cities (especially DC and Boston). Whatever happens, I know God is guiding me in these decisions and I'm grateful to have some time with my family and friends in Wisconsin. If you'll be in WI, give me a call!

Provo--I bid thee farewell. You've been a kind friend and you will be missed.


Anonymous said...

You should move to Houston. :)

Kimberly said...

I can't believe you're moving, Lauren! We'll miss you! (At least you're moving to a great state, though!)
I would love to do something together before you go (even if it's just getting an ice cream or talking for a few minutes). Let me know.

Digital Daguerreotypist said...

YAY!! I get to see a Lauren again soon - maybe we need to hit City Market again..good luck in your continued job search too

Unknown said...

Good luck, girl! You're going to do great whereever you go!

I know what you mean about being ready to move on. I think I felt that way as soon as I got engaged. Somehow those lil life stage transitions like marriage or graduation just make you feel ready for a change, no matter how happy and content you were before.

I'll put a plug in for Columbus... we love it here! Did you know Vaughn and his wife Jenni moved in two doors down from Eric and I? lil reunion!

Tess said...

Good luck! Keep us updated! Transition times are never easy and I learn from you that I should be more patient.
PS the music on your blog is perhaps the only music that doesn't annoy me. :) we have similar tastes.

just a little bit mo said...

I'm going to miss you kiddo. I guess this makes just one more reason for me to go visit Wisconsin, eh?