Monday, July 31, 2006

In the Midst of Change

Well, my life lately has seemed somewhat of a dream... it seems to be moving and changing so quickly. It's hard to believe that summer's nearing an end already. I guess summers are always like that. I've had good friends move away, I've seen friends get married, and in between the big changes that are happening (moving, weddings, getting ready to leave for Spain), there has been the normal and comfortable stuff of life... STUDYING, doing yardwork with the family, having my brother come to visit, cleaning my apartment (it never quite feels completely clean), church, hanging out with friends here and there... I'm glad that life remains somewhat constant, even in the midst of big changes. I think if everything changed all at once, we all might have heart attacks.

I've had a lot of friends get engaged, married, or begin their families this summer... three of my closest friends are having babies in the next sixth months, which is hard to believe. Seriously, 5 years ago, we were all finishing high school, and now their married and they're going to be parents! Whoa. I guess we grow up quicker than we think sometimes.

I'm going out to California in about two weeks for my BYU roommate Whitney's wedding. I'm excited to finally meet Ian, the guy she's been telling me about for so long... it's hard to be away from close friends when our lives are changing so much. I was talking with my friend Jeannette last night, and we agreed that it's incredible how spread out our friends are across the country (and world!), which sometimes makes keeping in touch a bit harder. However, I think it's pretty sweet that I have friends everywhere from Milwaukee to Senegal to Chile to Utah to France to California and everywhere else inbetween... I'm just glad to have them in my life, even if blogs and emails sometimes have to replace late-night talks in person :-) Friends are friends, wherever they are... and I want to do better to keep in better individual touch with them all. I guess this blog is one step into keeping them in on the little parts of my life, but it's certainly not a replacement for that.

So, a toast to all my friends and family, all over the globe!

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